
If you carefully exam each incident that BLM and the democratic strong arm ANTIFA objected to, you will notice that the police officer was not properly trained in any physical or verbal de-escalation techniques. The de-escalation training that most officers receive comes from a police academy of 4 to 6 months. To sum up, this amounts to about 5 hours of verbal communication and 40 hours of physical communication. An officer trained in verbal and physical altercations normally occurs over a three-year period. The majority of officers receive only a bare minimum received at the academy and a poorly trained training officer for such techniques. Furthermore, the inappropriate use of force adds fuel to the fire. For example. Once a combatant individual is handcuffed, no further use of force is authorized. If the combatant wants to kick, snort, scream, just let them. Normally after a few minutes they get tired. If the combatant becomes extremely combatant, simply get an ambulance and strap them in and transport them in the ambulance. Some law enforcement agencies have that policy, but most do not.

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