The purpose of this website is to provide the reader with an understanding of community policing. It provides in outline form a summary of community crime escalation status, public attitude barriers, causes and effects, resource evaluations in crime assessment, street gang assessment and benchmarking crime de-escalation.
Regardless of where you live, your ethnicity, religious, political background or your economic level. The crux of the matter is that street gangs, drugs and violent crime every neighborhood, town or city.
With budgetary bean counting, limited resources and outdated or poorly funded and understaffed community programs, our neighborhood deterioration will increase and continue to be a constant threat to the community at large.
This website provides a practical methodology and indexing to help you assess the impact of crime, drugs and street gangs in your neighborhood. With thorough planning and strong community resources and organizations, communities will be able to effectively reduce/prevent drugs, street gang and street level criminal activity.
Most neighborhoods only learn of such activities through the local newspaper or online media. With this limited resource of information available, it permeates a flow of disinformation or an exaggerated belief that problems occur only in other neighborhoods and not in my backyard.
These principles apply to all street gangs and criminal activities, regardless of their ethnicity or cultural background.
The goal of community oriented policing is to educate neighborhoods and communities in general about the street-level crime problems that pervade our communities.
To build partnerships that prevent or recover criminal elements from taking hold of our neighborhoods and community.